

The programme aims to train patients on computer skills and applications which shall help them attain a useful qualification which help them market themselves in labour market or develop their private business and digitalizing them. The programme helps achieve the centre’s strategic target in helping patients professionally and provision of employment


The programme aims to teach patients acore dominant language in the field of work in all areas and for life in general terms. This skill shall enable patients reduce the gap between them and the environment which surrounds them in order to market themselves in labour market or develop their private business which in turn helps achieve the centre’s strategic target in helping patients professionally and provision of employment

Islamic Teaching

The programme aims to arm patients spiritually and religiously to with the view of consolidating their psychological and behavioural balance as well as guiding them towards an inner peace and increase their concentration level in executing the treatment plan inside the centre and the follow up treatment plan post discharge to ascertain the continuity of recovery and prevent relapse which helps achieve the centre’s strategic target of patient recovery

Quran Memorization

The programme aims to provide patients with worshipping and religious sessions which help them acquire essential worshipping skills which help achieve a psychological and behavioural stability and keep them in good touch with their environment (their families and immediate and large societies) where inner stability is found. The intention is also to raise their ability to focus on executing the treatment plan in the centre and the follow up treatment plan post discharge in order to ensure continuity of recovery and prevent relapse which helps achieve the centre’s strategic target of patient recovery

Life Coaching

The programme aims to provide patients with basic life skills which enable them to discover themselves attain a personality balance and manage their personality. These shall equip them with the ability to face their environments, solve problems and take responsibility (personal, family and society-related) as well as being confident and independent to ensure distancing themselves from the causes and boundaries of relapse. This shall ensure patents commitment to follow up treatment plan and continuity of recovery and avoidance of relapse which help achieve the centre’s strategic target of patient recovery

Life Coaching

The programme aims to provide patients with basic life skills which enable them to discover themselves attain a personality balance and manage their personality. These shall equip them with the ability to face their environments, solve problems and take responsibility (personal, family and society-related) as well as being confident and independent to ensure distancing themselves from the causes and boundaries of relapse. This shall ensure patents commitment to follow up treatment plan and continuity of recovery and avoidance of relapse which help achieve the centre’s strategic target of patient recovery