National and International Partnerships
To achieve its ambitious vision regarding leadership and excellence, the NRC ENDEAVORED TO ENTER INTO NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS which contribute in developing its services which are destined for clients (patients, their families and the centre’s staff). The centre, thus, has enhanced its partnership framework through signing memoranda of understanding and cooperation with local partners such as: Adu Dhabi and Dubai Police GHQs through cooperation in achieving goals of monitoring addiction risks in the country in order to establish a drug-related sentences’ data base, in addition to cooperation in research area and surveys which aim at finding drug prevention methods which can be attained through cooperating in revising drug-related policies.
Family Development Foundation
There is also COOPERATION WITH THE FAMILY DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION CONCERNING THE PROVISION OF PREVENTION AND AWARENESS PROGRAMMES to families through cooperation in projects and research which aim at identifying needs of patients’ families as well as organizing on-going social workshops for the centre’s patients.
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Abu Dhabi Tawteen Council
The centre has also endeavoured to PROVIDE VOCATIONAL TRAINING AND REHABILITATION OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE CENTRE’S RECOVERING PATIENTS BY SIGNING AN MOU WITH ABU DHABI TAWTEEN COUNCIL . Also, in order to obtain the information and data which achieve drug monitoring targets in the country, the centre established partnerships with country’s health institutions (Ministry of Health, Health Authority, Health Services Company) with the view of increasing cooperation in the areas of drug-related treatment and pharmacology research.
Robust Cooperation with educational institutions in the country
There is also a ROBUST COOPERATION WITH PROMINENT EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS in the country such as University of UAE, Khalifa University for Science and Technology. The objective here is to provide training for the centre’s staff and recovered patients through participation in developing addiction-related studies and research in addition to the cooperation to achieve drug monitoring objectives in the country and contributing in the provision of some training opportunities within the centre for final year students, as part of programs or end-of-university-study project.
Colombo Plan
On international level, the centre established a PARTNERSHIP WITH THE COLOMBO PLAN WITH THE VIEW OF ENHANCING THE CENTRE’S POSITION AND ROLE AS AN INTERNATIONAL CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE partnership with the Colombo Plan with the view of enhancing the centre’s position and role as an international centre of excellence in all areas related to decreasing drug and alcohol demand. The aims of this agreement are:
- Establish a journal which specializes in substance use disorders (International Journal of Prevention and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders)
- Produce an Arabic version of the journal
- Delegate the International Centre for Credentialing and Education of Addiction Professional to train the centre’s staff and others in the UAE
- Hosting the First Youth Drug Prevention Symposium in February 2014
- Establish a partnership with the International Centre for Credentialing and Education of Addiction Professional as a member
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with King’s College London and Maudsley Health
MOU WITH KING’S COLLEGE LONDON, AND MAUDSLEY INTERNATIONAL which stresses on a wider partnership that aims to develop both academic and research areas. This MoU will enable the NRC’s staff to take advantage from training programmes held at King’s College particularly in the area of medicine, nursing and psychology in addition to cooperating in developing special programmes in these fields.
Cooperation MoU with University of Aberdeen
The NRC signed a COOPERATION MOU WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN TO DEVELOP ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH AREAS which include knowing the extent of primary care physicians’ abilities to detect addiction cases amongst patients and provide appropriate healthcare to them.
McLean Hospital – Harvard University
AGREEMENT WITH MCLEAN HOSPITAL – HARVARD UNIVERSITY . The aim is to develop an infrastructure for treatment and care methods, find evidence for treatment approaches, comprehensive care mechanisms, quality and medical governance mechanisms and mechanisms for training and human resources development which tally with McLean Hospital’s standards. This is a prelude to launching the agreement which deals with the development of treatment operations and special programmes for the special categories such as females, adolescents dual and diagnosis patients (addiction and mental illness).
Agreement with the UNODC (United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime)
AGREEMENT WITH THE UNODC (UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR DRUGS AND CRIME) . It is an empowering and capacity building at NRC, with the aim of becoming a regional hub for drug and substance demand reduction. It has three phases: a) develop the infrastructure and b) foundation which will make the centre a major hub for reduction of drug and substance demand on the basis of technical expertise and the structure of its staff; c) launching the NRC as a centre of excellence and a regional hub for training on the best practices.
World Health Organization
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